Thursday 30 April 2015

Exercise #10

National services

A massage that is not consistent.
This is the first year for the national service program and in this year there will more than 10,000 soldiers graduate from the national services program and my brother will be one of them. He told me many things about the national service and it is really different than the Army program in many things like the trainers and the area of training the Army is much harder.

 An argument that is not logically consistent.
In the first year for the national service program there were many problems for example the people who died during the program and the people who tried to escape from the camp , so in the next year I think there will be more problems than these.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Exercise #9

Exercise 9
False Premises
1- Gas prices in the UAE are not linked to production.
2- The football player held the ball with his hand in football game.

Two wrongs
Many people drive fast when they go to their job so, it is fine if I drive fast.

All women can't play football.

identifying stereotype
Stereotyping all boys like football.
Stereotyping all tall people play basketball.
Stereotyping all smart people are nerds.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Exercise #8

 Activity: False premises

Passage 6.13

Yes, the argument is based on sound reason premise that lower production for oil is equal to higher petrol prices.

Passage 6.14

No, false premise standing in rain does not lead to cold.

Passage 6.15

No, false because if the people lived in the countryside it will be the same as living in the cities because, they will polluted by the cars like the cities.

passage 6.16

No, false premise because it is impossible to fill every table every night because the have a good menu there are many things should be good like the location the taste for the food.

Passage 6.17

Yes, the argument is true.The Indian movies are famous now and many people like to watch it and it is all around the world .

Thursday 26 March 2015

Exercise #7 Argument

Exercise #7

Travelling by airplane is better than travelling by car.

When it comes to travelling transportation, I think traveling by an airplane is better than traveling by a car for a number of reasons.

First, traveling by an airplanes is more comfortable and entertaining as most airplanes now have comfortable seats and entertainment program. On the other hand, travelling by car could become tiring and uncomfortable, especially when you have to travel a long distance or if your driving. Second, an airplane trip takes between few hours to one day which is much less time than a car trip that usually takes a number of days. Third, when traveling by car, you have to prepare supplies and ensure that you find gasoline station on you’re the roads you take, whereas when traveling by an airplane you don’t have to worry about these issues. Fourth, many problems with your method of transportation could arise, however, the losses incurred differ depending on the transportation method. Airplane trips could be delayed or postponed but usually you don’t get more expenses. Yet, when traveling by car, problems like a breakdown can delay your trip for days, and add unexpected repair expenses and motel bills to your trip costs. Travelling with airplane much safer than travelling by cars also, the airplane has more safety equipment.

To Conclude, I think traveling by airplane is better than traveling by car as it is more comfortable, takes less time, more convenient, and doesn’t usually add more expenses to your trip budget.

Friday 20 March 2015

Exercise #6

Exercise # 6
The following are the basic factors of an argument:
·        A position or a point of view
·       An attempt to persuade others to accept that point of view
·        Reasons given to support that point of view.
·       Conclusion

Read the following passage and identify the following:

Main argument: it is dangerous for the pregnant women to own a cat because it will maybe sensitive from the cat also , it is dangerous for the people who has a weak immunity.

Reasons that support the argument:
·       Some cats could have infectious Protozoa that has a bad effect to the people .
·       Sometimes for a pregnant women becomes infected because they get some bad diseases.
·       Sometimes People who has a poor immune could be dead.

People should more reserve from the cat and should do many medical examinations for the cats to know if the have any various could get diseases. We should keep the cats away from the children and form the pregnant women's .

It is important that pregnant women and those with a poor immune systems become aware of the potential risks posed by cat. Many of us keep cats as house pets without realizing the dangers they may be harboring. Cats are hosts to infectious protozoa that cause disease in mammals such as humans. Adult humans rarely showed signs of significant disease if they become infected. However, if pregnant women become infected, the foetus can become infected by parasites and suffer serious congenital damage. In the worst cases, infants may lose their eyesight and acquire motor deficits. In people with poor immune systems or AIDS protozoa can cause seizure and death.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Exercise #5


The steps of critical thinking of buying an iPad:

1-Improved attention and observation

First I will check the types and colours of iPads used by my family and friends
2-More focused reading
Then, I will conduct an online search about the latest iPad models and if there will be any new ones to be released soon. Then I will read reviews iPad mini to iPad Air to compare between the two models.

3-Improved ability to identify the key points in a text or other message rather than becoming distracted by less important material

Using the online research and the feedback I received from my family and friends I will start comparing the two models features including the capacity, display, weight, camera specification and price to see which one fit my planned type of usage.

4-Improved ability to respond to the appropriate points in a message
Once I decide on the iPad model I would like to buy, I will go to Apple store to see the product.

5-Knowledge of how to get your own point across more easily
I will ask the salesperson for more details about the product and the guarantee duration to ensure that it matches my needs.

6- skills of analysis that you can choose to apply in a variety of situations
Using the skills of observation, researching and focused reading, comparison, and asking question facilitate the steps of buying any product such as an iPad.

Exercise #4

7 Barriers to Critical Thinking

Barrier 1-Misunderstanding what criticism is

Some people think that criticism is only used as an insult. However, I think there could be positive or negative criticism depending on the person’s tone and the words he uses. Because of misunderstanding the meaning of criticism, a lot of people consider criticism a bad thing.
For example, one day my friend showed me a project he is working on, so I was giving him my feedback as constructive criticism but he mistook it for me insulting his work which lead to us into an argument.

2- Over-estimating our own reasoning abilities
Sometimes we think we know it all and we never try to ask other about their opinion or feedback. This could have a negative impact, especially when dealing with people as a person would say few words and we think we understand what he means right away that we don't give him a chance to explain himself any further which results in misunderstandings.
For example, one day I went with my friends to play basketball and one of them did not know  basketball rules. So, I tried to explain them to him but he told me "I know the rules, it is an easy game and easy rules," after that when we started playing he did a lot of fouls and ruined the game.

3- Lack of methods, strategies or practice
A person's lack of experience or method to critical thinking might affect a negative effect on his decision making and it could be worse if it was combined with over-estimation of one's own reasoning as it would lead to ignorant arrogant decisions.
For example, a person who is new to business might make wrong decisions due to his lack of experience and lack of consultation with experts leading to bad business.

4- Reluctance to critique experts
Some people think that experts are always right so when they set with someone who is an experts in something they wouldn't disagree with what he is saying even if what he says contradicts their opinion or even common sense.
For example, one day I was watching a health program on TV with my friend and they showed a doctor saying that second hand smoking is not bad for people and my friend agreed to him saying that he is a doctor and he knows best.

5- Affective reasons
Sometimes our reasons will be driven by our emotions which blinds us from seeing the situation rationally.
For example, two of my friends once had an argument and during that day we were discussing where to have dinner and my two friends kept disagreeing on each other's suggestion due to their previous argument.

6- Insufficient focus and attention to detail
Not giving enough focus to an issue could lead to missing important factors leading to making bad decisions or judgments or redoing your work because you missed some details.
For example, once my friend told me he had tickets for a movie and invited me to go with him, but when we arrived to the cinema we noticed that we have missed our movie as we didn't check the time in the tickets it was 10 a.m. but we thought 10.p.m .